Monday, September 19, 2011

The apple day...

The apple day came, and it went. I am so glad we all survived. What an undertaking 18 bushels of apples can be! We had a family over to split the apples and work load and I am so thankful for all the extra hands. Two moms and various combinations of children were working all day long. The dads were smoking eight slabs of bacon and the hocks from four pigs, as well as cooking down the scrap bones to make a very tasty stock to can for later use. the end of the day, we had 112 quarts of applesauce, 12 gallons of cider, and about four bushels of apples for eating and possibly for making apple pie filling (if I can find the energy!).

I will post the meat smoking pictures when we are all the way done with the processing...we still have some hams to smoke! Yummm!

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